Saturday, November 15, 2008



A day late but not a dollar short. LOL When I finally got home yesterday I just didn't have the energy to site down and write something to our Princess.

It was a year ago yesterday that Sarah Elizabeth Harmond was born to this earth. That year has been a joy. You have been such a sweet and easy going baby. You did have your moments but like all Princesses full of joy and life. I can't believe how much you have grown. You have 4 teeth and I think just maybe more coming in the near future. You are up and standing and want to walk so badly. Your smile when you see me coming must melts my heart. Boy do I NOT have worries about you and your dealings with your brothers. You can be girly girly one moment and tackling your brothers with a vengance. You bring sunshine and love in this house like no one can. I can't wait for the day we as mother and daughter can go have our nails done, our feet done and celebrate in a girly way the day you were born.

I am sorry this birthday was not the big broo haha it was supposed to be but I am just thankful to God above for your smile, your laugh, your cries, your hugs and your kisses. I will be your mommy forever. My prayer for you today and always is that God shines brightly in your eyes and your life. That your love of God will be bold and for all to see. That you are blessed with many riches (both spiritually and physically) under God's dreams for you.

I just love you very much my little Sarah. HAPPY BIRTHDAY BABY!!!!!!!

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