Thursday, June 26, 2008

2 Years Today!!

Wow has it really been 2 years today since China and God told us about our new son?! It has been so crazy today that this is the first chance I have had to come here and post.

Two years ago today our waiting for our what we thought daughter from China turned into a son. What a blessing he is for us. I still can recall when I think on the 'referral call' we received from out agency. Even though I can't remember the name of the person who called the dialog will be etched in my memory forever. It went something like this:

GWCA-Hi this is __________ from GWCA and we have your referral.
me-OOOOO what is her name where is she from how old is she?
GWCA---well it's a boy!
me----A WHAT???? ( and then after a few seconds pause) well tell me all about him.

This is what we were told:

His name is Fu Xiao Wu and he is in the Jiaozou Social Welfare Institute in the Henan Province of China. He has spent his whole life in an orphanage not with a foster family. He was born on August 11, 2004 that would mean he was going to be 2yrs old (WOW) He had hair, chubby cheeks, was an introvert (like his daddy) loves music (like his mommy) knows the meaning of the word "no", had 2 teeth, stands alone, walks with assistance, a deep sleeper, sucks fingers, timid, imitating words and is close to his caregiver. WOW THAT'S OUR SON.

It only took a second of this information to fall in love him even without seeing his face. When we first got the email from the agency earlier in the day stating referrals had arrived and what log in date they were through we were excited. I didn't leave the house all day waiting. When I read that there were 5boys referred I should have known we would get a boy. Especially since we had Robert 2 months before. I immediately called Richard's cell phone and remember saying to him "it's here we got our referral" and he said "and......" I said "its a boy.................................................................... Richard, Richard, Richard are you there?" he said "yea just takes a minute to adjust the thinking since we really thought we were getting a girl". When Richard got home from work we finally got the email from our agency with the first pictures of him.

Well because of a 150 year family tradition Richard got to name our first son.....the first born or a first born had to have the initials REH and the middle name had to be Earl. Well after much debate and names I chose thrown out Richard named him so with the referral of another boy Richard said what do you want to name him. I had decided that there were a few names I was thinking about. I told him how about Caleb or Joshua or Joseph??? Richard said Caleb sounds good. Let me tell you when we got our first pictures and looked at his face I said he looks like a Caleb. We decided to keep his Chinese first and middle name as his new middle name so our second son became Caleb Xiaowu Harmond. Now the wait was on to go to China and bring him home. That anniversary will be in August. We missed being with him on his birthday by 2 weeks. But we have the JOY and HONOR to spend the rest of his birthdays together loving him, thanking God for him and raising him to live a Christ filled life.

So today as the day comes to a close all I can do is thank God for the blessing of a son, offer him back up to God as His and try to be the best mommy to him I can. Pray for him to have a life full of love, family and a sense of who he is.

I will try to post the referral pictures of Caleb and a recent one... you wouldn't believe how much he has grown. He is turing into such a big boy! gone is the baby face, the toddler face and replaced with a big boy!!!


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