Lately I have been really thinking about blessings. Caleb got a book from the book fair at school called "Will you bless me?"
How has God bless me? I am married to a wonderful man who supports me in everything I do no matter what it is. He doesn't judge me unfairly, he doesn't talk bad about me to others. He tries his hardest to keep me second in his life (even when work has got him working 60-70 hrs a wk lately). This is a man I never thought I would be marrying. As a matter of fact I truly felt God leading me down a path of servitude when Richard pretty much barged into my life. Thank you God for such a wonderful blessing!!!
Yes, sometimes I need God to hit me with a 2x4 before I see/hear him talking to me. We will be married 7 years Nov 10th. The years for the most part have been good in all honesty I don't remember any time when there was trouble. I will always love him. Like Ruth in the Bible my wedding vows came out of the book of Ruth.
Ruth 1: 16-17
Where you go I will go, and where you stay I will stay. Your people will be my people and your God my God. 17 Where you die I will die, and there I will be buried. May the LORD deal with me, be it ever so severely, if anything but death separates you and me."
Another blessing is my in-laws. I have never been accepted so completely and without judgement as from my in-laws. Here I came into their life out of the blue so to speak. I met them in May of 2001 and was married to their oldest son in November 2001. My sister-in-law is a joy. I just love Rhonda I pray daily that God will provide a husband as wonderful as Richard for her. My brother-in-law and his wife, Gary and Cynthia. They have 4 kids my neices and nephews. One big happy family. I always look forward to seeing them and spending time with them.
Another blessing are my kids. I prayed for years that God would provide me with children. After my 4th miscarriage I started feeling like it was not God's will for me to be a mother but once I stopped obsessing about it He not only blessed me with one child but 3 in 1 1/2 years. How about that for answered prayer huh? Be careful what you pray for God just might give it to you.....................and give it to you..............................and give it to you. Some days when the challenges of being a mother get so bad I just tell me self over and over and over "I prayed for this kids....."
Another blessing is my mother! Sometimes you don't realize a blessing in front of you until it is to late, I am thankful my eyes have been opened before it was too late. It has been brought to my attention that my mother and I are alot alike. I am told that is why for a long time our relationship was not really that great. But my mother has become my best friend. She is someone I can turn to in any circumstance. I talk to her almost every day. She has been such a source of information on motherhood and marriage. I look to my parent's marriage alot when it comes to my marriage. I don't know what I would do without my mother!!! MOM YOU ARE THE BEST. I know I don't tell you often enough.
My greatest blessing though is being a daughter to the King of Kings. My life would not be what it is without the love of God, His saving graces, His dying so I could live forever in His kingdom. My Savior who no matter what I am, who I am, where I am loves me with an unconditional love, an agape love that is beyond my understanding. A love so complete it's indescribable.
I am sure there are many many many many other blessings in my life I am omitting but I am grateful and thankful to God my creator my King for giving me every blessing in my life. Not because I deserve then but just because He loves me.
Blessings to you all